And the Internet only makes them WORSE.
Apparently the Internet gives everybody and their brother license to advertise their ability to contribute absolutely nothing of value. Earlier today I stumbled upon a thread in a forum 650 replies long arguing about the pros and cons of two different types of make-up remover. Do that many people honestly have NOTHING better to talk about? And this assumption of mine is only compounded by the fact that none of them can take the time to properly spell out, "Ur stoopid n u know nuffink bout mak-up", a direct quote by the way. Forgive me for not supplying a link to the website, but I don't want anyone to be harmed by concentrated stupidity.
And, as Smity pointed out earlier today, when given a seemingly impassible obstacle, they are content to jam themselves through a space half the size it normally would be when the problem could be solved in about half a second. Why is that? Why are we content to always opt for the non-thinking option?
People annoy me.
I'm going back to Iron Man where Robert Downey Jr. makes way more sense.

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