Saturday, July 5, 2008

Everything Relates To Star Trek.

It's true. It is honestly, absolutely, 100% least with my life lately. Since the Circle (as a sum of all of the communicating parts instead of just a few individuals) has been entrenched in it's latest Star Trek obsession, everything has been returning to that one subject lately. I'm watching episodes and being reminded of Circle conversations or activities, or of discussions in ToK, or of things I've never really had the time or inclination to think about before but now find myself unable to think of anything else for hours.

For example, watching an episode of Voyager, the EMH makes a lesson plan in human dating rituals for his Borg friend because she doesn't understand them...which made me think of how Nikki made a Powerpoint presentation for Sara about how woman *ahem* pleasure themselves because she didn't get it. And it was just a really weird coincidence.

And now it's time for an epic Star Trek picture spam.
The crew being retards on the set of Star Trek III I believe...

Lawl, Redshirts.

I found this one chick on Deviant that does awesome Star Trek fanart, and I squeed.
Same chick that did the above fanart did this background. Yes squeeing did occur, and yes, it is my current wallpaper.

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