I get asked that question a lot. Sometimes I say it's the stories: body swaps, zombie-creatures that look like the cursed spawn of Arthas and Sephiroth, exploration, hallucinations, amnesia, intrigue, romance, and damned clever solutions. Sometimes it's the action: Gunfights, space battles, manly wrestling matches with rabid Wraith, sparring and sword fights. Then again, it could be the witty one-liners: Well, not always witty, usually the scene is summed up rather well with, "Oh crap." It could be the editing or the music or the writing or any number of other things, but I'd be lying.
It's the hot men.

Meet Doctor Carson Beckett, an adorable Scotsman and the best surgeon in two galaxies. My comment: ...Dimples. Jahfqfanadnanda. *ded*

Next up is Doctor Rodney McKay. He's snarky, he's sexy, and yes, he's much smarter than you.

I suppose I can't talk about the hot men of Atlantis without mentioning the utterly irresistible Colonel John Sheppard. Hair, scruff, pointy ears. I don't think anymore needs to be said.

Major Evan Lorne. Just...the bedhead. Oh my god. I can't even say anymore. Just...damn.
So yes, Atlantis has its merits. It has good stories, amazing action, interesting writing, witty dialogue, but those kinds of shows are a dime a dozen without some really hot Sci-Fi men.Now excuse me, I believe a cold shower is in order.